Back-To-School Janitorial & Maintenance Lessons

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3 Back-To-School Janitorial & Maintenance Tips

Every educational facility needs a proper back-to-school plan in place before students and staff start rolling into the classroom in the fall. That plan should always include hygiene and sanitation efforts. Schools have had an entire summer to collect dust and other debris. Not to mention if there were summer school sessions, facilities may not have had a chance to do a proper deep clean from the year before.

We’re going to look at three essential practices integral to back-to-school janitorial and sanitation efforts:

  • Thoroughly cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting
  • Maintaining clean and functional machines
  • Ensuring proper floor care

Investing time and resources in these areas not only enhances the overall hygiene of the school but also contributes to the lifespan and functionality of the facilities so they can continue to welcome generation after generation. Here are some tips for best practices for implementing them into your school janitorial and maintenance routine.

Clean, Sanitize, & Disinfect

Are you following the three steps necessary for proper school hygiene – cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting? All three are vital in ensuring that spaces are not only visibly clean but also free from those many harmful pathogens you can’t see. The first step – cleaning – removes dirt, dust, and debris from surfaces. The second step – sanitizing – reduces the number of germs on surfaces. The third step – disinfecting – kills whatever is left over from the first two steps. Start the new school year fresh and make sure you’ve done a thorough clean that incorporates all three steps in your cleaning routine.

These best practices are key to proper facility care and maintenance and should include scheduling frequent deep cleanings, regular sweeping and mopping, using neutral pH cleaners, and avoiding harsh chemicals.

Keep in mind – due to the use of certain cleaning materials, you absolutely must allow yourself enough time for thorough ventilation and drying to avoid creating any health and safety hazards for your staff and students. Take a page from our spring cleaning tips blog for more helpful tips.

Need cleaning supplies?

Stock up today!

Clean Machines Make the Job Easier

With Guernsey by your side, no educational facility is too large, too small, or too complex to tackle the challenge of a proper and thorough cleaning. Scrubbers, vacuums, pad refills, cleaning solutions, vacuum bags…you need it, we carry it. We are a one-stop shop for cleaning products and machines. But we’re also floor maintenance and repair experts who have a long history of providing exceptional customer service for machine rental, repairs, and refurbishment as well as training and demos for our customers in the DC-Metro/Mid-Atlantic region.

We pride ourselves on having an exceptional team of janitorial and sanitation experts who know the ins and outs of proper floor care and maintenance. Check out our commercial floor care and facility equipment page to learn more about the products we carry and the specific services we offer.

Floors Equal Feel & Functionality

It’s a given that proper janitorial and maintenance practices enhance the safety and health of students and staff. Additionally, they prolong the lifespan of school facilities, which ends up cutting costs. However, proper care and cleaning isn’t just about health and safety and crunching numbers. It’s also about aesthetic appeal and providing a welcoming atmosphere that students and staff feel comfortable in, improving the learning environment overall.

Be it carpet or concrete, hardwood or tile, proper floor care and maintenance is integral to ensuring a thriving student body and administration. It’s so important, in fact, that we put together this handy in-depth primer on best practices for school floor cleaning and maintenance.

Looking to create a healthier and more pleasant environment for your students and staff and ensure your facility is spotless when the hordes come flooding back through your doors? If you haven’t yet implemented best practices in your school floor care and maintenance routine, the window prior to students and staff returning to school is an excellent time to put one in place. Start with thoroughly cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting; maintaining clean and functional machines; and ensuring proper floor care. You won’t go wrong.

Whether it’s to order supplies or rent equipment, request a demo or just get some advice on a specific product, reach out to us for all your back-to-school janitorial and maintenance needs!

Janitorial Products & Cleaning Supplies: Washington DC Metro Area

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