READ TIME: 3-5 Mins
We’re well into June and summer is just around the corner. You’ve been hard at work all year long and it’s time for a much-needed getaway. You absolutely deserve it! Hopefully you already have a fabulous summer trip planned ahead, but even if you don’t, read on for some tips on how to make the most of a mini summer getaway!
Before you put on your swimming suit and bring out the sunblock, make sure you have enough paid time off (PTO) days for your vacation. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), employees with one year of experience receives an average of 11 days of paid time off (PTO), employees with five years of experience average 15 days of PTO and employees with 10-20 years of experience average about 17-20 days of PTO. Wherever you fall on this spectrum, you should use your PTO wisely.
We suggest planning around the holidays and extending your weekends. For example, since Memorial Day always falls on a Monday, book a red-eye flight on a Friday night so you’ll have at least 2-3 full days in your destination. (Make sure you drink a lot of coffee the next day.) Even if you have plenty to use during the workdays, make sure to save some for sick days and emergencies. It’s always better to be safe than sorry!
Speaking of PTO, another great idea would be to take short, frequent trips during the year rather than one long vacation per year. Working hard is important but taking care of yourself is also crucial. Save multiple timeslots throughout the year for you to breathe and refresh from work. Not only will you save more of your PTO, but you will be more productive at work and have less of a risk of burning out.
Now you have everything planned out and you’re on your way to your destination! Is it the beach or the city? Is it somewhere local or are you flying abroad? Either way, we’re excited for you because you’ve worked way too many long nights and early mornings for this vacation. But wait a second, are you checking your emails 20 times a day? Are you constantly messaging your co-workers to make sure your office is not burning down? If you are, stop it right now! Although it may be hard, go offline while you’re away to make the most out of your trip. Remember to set automated away message for your email before you leave and take a breather. If you absolutely can’t go offline completely, set aside an hour a night to check your emails. That way, you’re not worried about work during the day and you can still get things done on your trip. (But one hour only, sheesh!)
We all know that businesses trips can be a drag. Sure, going to Paris or the Bahamas is cool but when you’re stuck at a boring conference all day, it can be torture! If you can, extend your business trip into your own, personal trip by going early or leaving later. You’ll be making the most out of your time and money by doing this. Ask a co-worker to do the same so you’ll have a travel buddy to explore with or go solo. Whatever floats your boat.
Hope these tips and tricks helped for your upcoming vacation plans. Now, get out your suitcases, grab a cup of coffee (you’re going to need it) and get packing!
Did you enjoy these tips? Are you out of PTO or in a busy season? Either way, we can help! Grab a box of Island Coconut K-cups and you’ll feel like you’re on a vacation, wherever you are.